Saturday, December 11, 2010

A few words about Cork

Cork is second largest town and main port of the Republic of Ireland. Located in the southern part of the country, in the county of the same name, near the mouth of the River Lee into the sea. Header image presents the The Cork Port - entrance to the town. Cork did not get its name from the material obtained from the Cork Oak, rather it's been taken from the Irish word "corcach" meaning swamp, that's located alongside the banks of river Lee. The area of today's city center was inhabited in the 6th century, when St. Finbarr founded his monastery. As an important comercial center, Cork was often attacked and must have been rebuild several times. Later the town was surrounded by walls, several parts of the walls and forths are still present to this day. The town is filled with narrow ancient streets, waterways and Gregorian architecture.
Cork is the smallest town ever to be awarded the title European Capital of Culture. Social life of Cork is rich and highly diversed, presenting all the cultures inhabiting the town. There are regular dance festivals, worldwide known Cork Jazz Festival, different art festivals. The best picture of Cork's cultural diversity is to be seen every year during St.Patrick's Day when the Parade takes place in the main streets of Cork.
There currently live something over 120000 people in Cork nowadays.

Cork city on wikipedia

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